Daily Archives: March 1, 2011

The Tepes Family

It is surprising that I have not posted any pictures here before of my Vampires, since I love to play with them in the Sims 3. Well, here is the Tepes family, which I started after the LateNight expansion was released. They weren’t my first vampires, but one of the families I’ve played with the most.

Rakul, the founder of the family. He’s an ancient vampire, born in the times of the ancient Creeks, lived in Egypt in the time of the Pharaohs and traveled with Marco Polo. Now he lives in Bridgeport.

He moved to Bridgeport after he heard there was a power struggle there between some Vampire ‘clans’, the most powerful of them lead by Elvira Slayer. He thought that maybe he would be able to solve the dispute, since it never was a good thing for their kind to have feuds. The normal population got often left in between, and it would endanger their whole existence.

After he had moved in, he met one of the leader figures in the feud, Jessica Talon. She was currently residing with a human (who she used for food source mostly). Rakul got to know her, and something happened that hadn’t happened to him in countless years – he fell in love.

Here’s my version of Jessica, presenting her as the ‘Queen of the Damned’

After their son Marshall (name generated by the game before he and his mother lived in the active household) was born, Rakul asked Jessica to be his wife – and his Queen. She accepted.

Marshall as young adult (in my game the Vampires don’t age at all after reaching adulthood, thanks to Shoni’s Vampire Overhaul mod).

Rakul and Jes also have two twin daughters:



Marshall’s best friend at school when he was a kid was Belisama Hemlock. When they were teenagers, they started dating, and after reaching adulthood Marshall proposed. Belisama was happy to get away from her childhood home, which was not that happy place to grow up, although she loved her father. She just couldn’t deal with her mother and her constant pickering and name calling – and her tantrums, weird behaviour and the way she was picking a fight with her dad all the time. Even though she was not in love with Marshall, he was a nice guy (as far as Vampires are concerned anyway) and his home had always felt like a peaceful haven amidst all the turmoil her parents seemed to live in.

The wedding

The fathers

Wogan is happy for his daughter. Bel’s mother didn’t show up.

And Jessica seems happy for his son – or then she’s had few drinks too many. After all the wedding took place in The Plasma, and there was more than enough to drink for everyone, even when at least half of the quests were Vampires.

I don’t know if Jessica was truly happy about her son’s choice – her daughter-in-law’s mother is her worse enemy, there’s a blood feud between her and Morrigan Hemlock.

Belisama after a heavy makeover – I did her for the wedding as well, but then wanted to change her all over again.

The happy couple

And this here is Ludo – Marshall’s and Belisama’s cute little boy…

He can be cute if he just wants to…

Like father like son – right?